weekly gab - first edition!

and so, our journey begins...

Letter from the Editor

What’s up, party people?! Welcome to the very first edition of the weekly gab — a newsletter provided by the clique.

When I first became a journalist, I knew I wanted to make big moves in the industry, learn as much as I could, and eventually mentor aspiring writers. After all, my degree is in musical theatre — I had to struggle through years of trial-and-error before I really got the hang of things in the media industry. I told everyone my long-term career goal was “to be an editor.” When I said that, I NEVER envisioned -in-Chief following that title. It involved way too much responsibility, pressure, and visibility. But, the universe had other plans. That’s showbiz, baby!

I’m thrilled to be launching the clique, I’m thrilled to launch this newsletter, and I’m even more thrilled to provide opportunities for both esteemed and aspiring journalists to write about what they love. I want to publish content in which it becomes evident to readers that the writer is *obsessed* with what they’re covering. I want each writer to actually enjoy the process… ✨because journalism should be fun✨

You’re receiving this email because you subscribed to the weekly gab. As a free subscriber, you’ll receive one newsletter email on a weekly basis (obvi) featuring an overview of our top content from the site that week, pop culture/social media hot takes, guest blurbs from your favorite journalists, and more.

If you’re looking for even *more* content from the clique, including specific pitch calls and opportunities to write for us, or if you’re looking for a way to support our mission to offer more work opportunities to journalists, please consider joining one of our Premium tiers as a clique member ($5/month) or clique insider ($10/month). Your contributions provide invaluable support to writers in an industry that truly needs it!

On September 1st, the clique will go live. We already have an incredible amount of work from writers ready to publish, and I am absolutely ~ecstatic~ for you all to read the stories, perspectives, and voices these journalists have to share. I’m honored to provide them a home, and I can’t wait to see where we grow from here. Much love to both our writers and subscribers — can’t wait to share all that fun, juicy content in our upcoming installment of the weekly gab next Sunday!

Keep it cutesy and demure,


or to participate.